Por Manuel Machado | Subdirector Misión Salud Mensajes clave Se han emitido diferentes normativas de manera apresurada sobre la estrategia de vacunación en el país, situación que preocupa por los pocos espacios de participación y no contar con acuerdos a la fecha. Misión...
@wwaycorrigan Dr Jay Bhattacharya, co-author of the controversial Great Barrington Declaration which called for ‘focused protection’ instead of widespread lockdowns in dealing with coronavirus, says we’re in store for a ‘half-and-half world’ for most of this year. The Professor of Medicine at Stanford University made the comments in relation to the probability that many of […]
@wwaycorrigan [Listen to an audio version of this blog entry here.] They are being dubbed the game-changers. More accurately, they are the weapon humanity is unleashing to render useless the real game-changer that has been holding us all to ransom for the best part of a year now...
@wwaycorrigan [Listen to an audio version of this blog entry here.] Only the very naïve believe that we live in a free world. Where you have a conflict of human interests, the concept of true individual freedom is unattainable. Delicate balance My doing whatever I want has the...
@wwaycorrigan [Listen to an audio version of this blog entry here.] New year, new hope. And after the stagnation that was 2020 for many — save for the comfortable, virtue-signalling folk who have seen their lot actually improve — there appears to be more of a focus than usual on the positives that lie in […]
@wwaycorrigan [Listen to an audio version of this blog entry here.] At the best of times, it’s not easy being a politician. In today’s social-media dominated world, our elected leaders are scrutinised like never before. OK, they willingly sign up for a life in the...
A veces dentro de toda la conmoción y dificultades que el mundo enfrenta con una pandemia como la que vivimos, perdemos la capacidad de reconocer el inmenso avance que situaciones como esta han promovido. Es difícil entender la magnitud que tiene lo que la comunidad científica ha logrado en menos de un año, y las […]
Aunque tengan el propósito de proteger a la ciudadanía, los toques de queda no pueden ser decididos fácilmente como si se tratara de cortes de luz por fallas eléctricas. Dicen los historiadores que los toques de queda aparecen en la edad media como una forma de resguardar a...
@wwaycorrigan [Listen to an audio version of this blog entry here.] Yes, it’s that moment you’ve all been waiting for, the Wrong Way Corrigan Loser and Winner of the Year Awards 2020. We’ve had plenty of contenders for the former, the latter has been much more...
Eran tres las mujeres. Se detuvieron frente a una venta de comida asiática en un centro comercial, en la mitad del pasillo, y no se sabía si estaban haciendo fila o mirando el menú expuesto al público. Alguien dijo entonces que se respetara la distancia de dos metros y ellas...