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Muchos tenemos la idea de que el hot dog es de origen americano; pero investigando para escribir este post me encontré con la sorpresa de que realmente fue una idea  que nació en Europa, por allá en 1904.  Y aunque la hamburguesa es más popular a nivel mundial, yo si(...)

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@radiobrendan It’s now almost two years since Bogotá’s SITP (Sistema Integrado de Transporte Público, Integrated Public Transport System) buses started rolling out. Unlike Santiago de Chile, authorities here went for a gradual process of replacing the old private,(...)

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@radiobrendan Times, in a financial context, are tough. Well, in many ways they’re tough (relatively speaking that is), but for now I’ll keep the focus on the money side of things. And on that score, they’ve been made even tougher by a visa oversight on my part.(...)

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