
Foto del autor: Jorgito Macumba

Me cambiaste por otro

Por: Jorgito Macumba
Publicado en: La corte de Macumba

Ese día, en el aeropuerto, me despidieron las dos personas que más quiero en el mundo, porque han sido las dos únicas personas que me hicieron sentir ganas de vivir y de convertirme en un mejor ser humano. Caminaba triste pero sonriente mientras avanzaba con un nudo en la...

Migrante de corazón
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Foto del autor: Brendan 'Wrong Way' Corrigan

A new state of play?

Por: Brendan 'Wrong Way' Corrigan
Publicado en: Wrong Way Corrigan

@wwaycorrigan Some of you may have noticed (hopefully you did anyway!) that there hasn’t been a new post up here for some time. In fact, November was the first-ever ‘dry month’ in terms of new blog stories since this page went live back in January 2014. There...

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Foto del autor: Brendan 'Wrong Way' Corrigan

Refocusing the energy

Por: Brendan 'Wrong Way' Corrigan
Publicado en: Wrong Way Corrigan

@radiobrendan Sorry, sorry. I know the, um, legions of Wrong Way readers have been wondering where I’ve got to the last while. The recent presidential election and Colombia’s World Cup exploits, nay the tournament in general, have been distractions for sure. «Yet»,...

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