@wwaycorrigan [Listen to an audio version of this blog entry here.] A few weeks ago on BBC Radio 2’s Jeremy Vine Show, there was a discussion about lifelong singletons. Considering my relationship status and general outlook, the topic piqued my interest. Not in it to win it While there were few nuggets of wisdom from […]
La siempre controversial, El último tango en Paris (1972), del director italiano Bernardo Bertolucci y protagonizada por el extraordinariamente bien parecido Marlon Brando y una muy jovencita e ingenua María Schneider. La historia de un gringo llamado Paul ya entrado en años...
La seducción, según el diccionario, es el proceso por medio del cual, de manera deliberada, se busca que el otro se comporte como su victimario lo desea. Involucra la atracción de los sentidos y tiene como objetivo la reducción de los miedos, prevenciones y en algunos...
@radiobrendan As the old saying goes, ‘Ignorance is bliss.’ While there may be times when this is not the case, more often than not it holds true. You can’t really get upset, worry, whatever, about something you are completely unaware of. Yet these days, with...
@radiobrendan While there are those who take a zero-tolerance approach to relationship cheating, there are others who give it something of a scale of seriousness. True enough, a willingness to give some leeway in the event of a breach of trust might reflect that you weren’t...
Mi esposo y yo tuvimos una familia unida y feliz durante 20 años. Tuvimos una niña, Lucrecia, de cabellos rizados y un color amarillo que cuando salía al sol, le brillaba como a una princesa en los cuentos de hadas. Por su mente no pasaban malas ideas y mucho menos pensar...
@radiobrendan There is a poem by the late Irish Nobel laureate Seamus Heaney, entitled ‘Scaffolding’. In it, he explains how builders rely heavily on scaffolding to aid them in the early stages of construction. (OK, they may be able to build something without it, but...
Condolezza les envía un saludo a todos, les informa que se ausentará en el mes de agosto. Esperen nuevas historias en el mes de septiembre cada 15 días. Soy trabajador, responsable, divertido. Quiero conocer mujeres solteras para amistad o para un romance si se presenta el momento. Soy soltero, con hijos. […]
@radiobrendan The Wrong Way approach to dating, or more appropriately trying to set up dates, has been to follow in some ways the economic policy of light-touch regulation. A laissez-faire style; um, beating about the bush rather than grabbing it by the hands you could say. In...
@radiobrendan The first step in solving a problem, so it is said, is realising you have one. It pretty much stands to reason really. You’ve got to know what you’re trying to fix before you begin to fix it. Yet, for some things, what one person sees as a problem, or at least feels it […]