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Sígame en twitter: @SebastianBitar Hasta ahora, el crecimiento económico y militar chino ha sido mostrado como un reacomodamiento pacífico del balance de poder global. Tanto China como los Estados Unidos aseguran que sus poderosas fuerzas militares no son una amenaza para el(...)

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@radiobrendan Colombia’s unique strata system has been under the spotlight of late. To the uninitiated, this basically divides the population into ‘rich’ and ‘poor’ according to the area they live in, not by the actual living standards of each individual or family. The(...)

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@radiobrendan Phew! They’ve pulled through, and with a little bit more to spare than it looked immediately beforehand. A huge section of Colombian society can breathe easy once more. The ‘right’ decision has been made. Scotland is staying in the UK. You see had our Tartan(...)

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@radiobrendan So the World Cup party rolls on and, thankfully, Colombia is very much still in the mix. These heady times that the country is going through, something mentioned on this blog a few weeks back, are not only continuing but also appear to be increasing in magnitude. Of(...)

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@radiobrendan What a heady few days it’s been for Colombia. There’s what you might call a giddy excitement about the place. Most of that, unsurprisingly, is emanating from La Selección’s (national football team’s) rather impressive start to the World Cup.(...)

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@radiobrendan For some, he’s seen as the moral standard-bearer of Colombia; the man ensuring the country stays on the right path. For others, he’s a dangerous, out of touch, official whose opinions and decisions hinder the country’s painstaking development.(...)

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@radiobrendan Have you heard the one about the Colombian Nazis? No? Well, somewhat worryingly, it’s not actually a joke. In this land of incredulous contradictions, there exists a rather confused bunch of adherents to the Adolf Hitler branch of fascism. Perhaps they were(...)

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