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@radiobrendan In these social media times we live in, it seems that virtual reality has become reality. Or at least our smartphone updates have allowed those who read/view them to believe they know us and make judgements about us, even if they’ve only briefly met us or(...)

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El fin de semana se dañó la ducha eléctrica de mi casa. Era algo inminente, pues no se ha inventado el electrodoméstico que logre vencernos a mis hermanos y a mí, hombres de distintas edades pero compañeros de gaminería y amotricidad. La ducha duró con nosotros cerca de(...)

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@radiobrendan Big city life, somewhat paradoxically, can be quite solitary. There are people all around us, yet as we go about our business they may as well not exist — indeed at times we might wish that to be the case. In this regard, Bogotá is no different to any other(...)

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