@radiobrendan It’s fair enough to assume that most of us like at least a little stability in our lives. The comfort of knowing, barring absolute disasters, that you can rely on certain things. Even in the world of sport where stability, nay predictability, might not be what we always want, we do have certain bankers. […]
@radiobrendan So another Rugby World Cup is put to bed and with it the team that has always been described as the globe’s greatest has officially cemented its number one status — for now at least. The New Zealand All Blacks’ triumph takes their World Cup winners...
@radiobrendan The bars/tiendas are stocking up. Replica jerseys of the competing nations are being sold on the street. There’s giddy excitement in the air. Yep, Rugby World Cup 2015 is almost upon us and Colombia is gearing up for it with gusto. OK, I might be in dreamland...