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@radiobrendan In terms of little escapes from Bogotá, generally speaking, we prefer to hit for one of the many lower-lying, warmer locations dotted all around the metropolis. This is even more so the case when the capital city is going through one of its somewhat depressingly(...)

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@radiobrendan When it comes to nearby escapes from the madness of Bogotá, we’re not stuck for options. There’s Choachí, Giradot, La Vega, Melgar, Pandi, Tobia and Villeta to name just some of the places we’re familiar with. Each of those differs in terms of(...)

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@radiobrendan Bogotá, as much as any ‘big smoke’ (if not a little bit more than some) can get exhausting after a while. It’s generally a good idea to get away from it all on a regular basis. Now considering I was out of it, and the country, for a whole five(...)

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@radiobrendan In general, leaving Bogotá on a public holiday weekend, or puente as it’s known in these parts, can be more hassle than it’s really worth, especially if you’re going overland as the majority tend to do. Apart from the obligatory long queues at the(...)

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@radiobrendan When it comes to the main vacation times in Colombia, there appear to be three chief types of holidaymakers. Firstly, you have the upper-to-middle classes, that is to say those with lots of spare cash at their disposal, who tend to escape the country and continent(...)

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