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Edwin García-Director de Mercadeo de Juan Valdez Café, nos concedió una entrevista donde conocimos la ambiciosa estrategia de expansión que tiene la compañía, su más reciente campaña de publicidad, su nuevo portafolio de productos así como también hablamos de branding,(...)

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@radiobrendan ‘If you can’t beat them, join them.’ So considering our own crowd, that is to say the Republic of Ireland, couldn’t beat them, the choice for most Irish, even those with just a token interest in soccer (football if you will), is to join them(...)

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@radiobrendan Things have started to stabilise a little for me here of late. Well about as much as they can stabilise for somebody with a wanderlust mind in a not very reliable and at times frustrating country. Everything is relative. A major part of this stabilisation has been(...)

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@radiobrendan Have you heard the one about the Colombian Nazis? No? Well, somewhat worryingly, it’s not actually a joke. In this land of incredulous contradictions, there exists a rather confused bunch of adherents to the Adolf Hitler branch of fascism. Perhaps they were(...)

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