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@radiobrendan It is said that all good things come to those who wait. So after a political union with its fellow British neighbours to the south, England and Wales, since 1707, Scotland may be about to once again go it alone. Well that is ‘go it alone’ insofar as any(...)

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@radiobrendan Right, I knew there existed in Colombia a tiny segment of support for, to say the least, a less than glorious period of German history and the accompanying beliefs associated with it. However, I wasn’t aware that love of the ‘Fatherland’ here is(...)

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@radiobrendan It was meant to be a night of discovery, of potentially finding a new path in life in the depths of a Colombian jungle. However, for one British teenager, the only ‘path’ he found was the one leading to his sad end, his lifeless body dumped at the side(...)

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@radiobrendan Wow! What a surprise. Colombia apparently has somewhat of an obesity problem.* In a country renowned for its beautiful, well-proportioned women, surely this cannot be? Throw in the fact that there is much competition among the populace – both male and female –(...)

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@radiobrendan  One of the most popular questions many long-term ‘visitors’ to Colombia get thrown at them by the locals is ‘Por qué Colombia?’, ‘Why Colombia?’ or more specifically in my case ‘Why Bogotá?’ Most who ask this are quick to suggest an answer(...)

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